The Human Library at Copenhagen Pride
This year, the Human Library had the opportunity to contribute to Copenhagen Pride Week with a pop-up event at City Hall Square. On Tuesday, ten Books and four Librarians were able to complete over 50 loans in one afternoon.

Readers getting guidance from one of our librarians. (Photo: Elin Hansen)
With topics such as asexual, HIV+, amputee, bipolar, anxiety and depression, the Human Library opened a temporary bookshelf in the middle of City Hall Square. Within four hours, all the Books were borrowed multiple times, and there was a constant buzz from the many exchanges between readers from around the world and the volunteer books from the Human Library’s Book Depot in Copenhagen. Loans were, as always, free to our readers.
Great Interest from Readers
Copenhagen Pride is already an event with a strong focus on diversity, which makes the concept of the Human Library a great fit for the program, and the interest from readers was substantial.
“We’ve basically had almost all of our Books out on loans all throughout the afternoon,” Says Librarian Linnea Hardgrib
One of the pageturners that have been in the hands of readers is our latest Book of the Month, 46-year-old Filip Milo. He is an open book in the Human Library with the subject of being an amputee.

Filip Milo at Copenhagen Pride. (Photo: Elina Hansen)
“I was borrowed by, among others, a lesbian couple, where one was a doctor and the other a chiropractor, and it turned into a longer conversation about physics, illness, and healthcare. Others wanted to know how it had gone so wrong. And since I was wearing shorts for the Pride event, my book topic as an amputee was quite evident to anyone before we even started talking.”
Takes Courage to Talk Openly About Anxiety
Monica Molin is 27 years old and offers her readers access to her lived experience with anxiety. This resulted in six loans in four hours.
“I think it’s incredibly brave that my readers come and talk openly and honestly about their own experiences. One reader had just arrived in Copenhagen from Germany the day before, and she mentioned that many of her friends were struggling with anxiety, and she wanted some advice on how to best support the people in her network. And that’s actually one of the best things for me as a book to talk about. How we can best support and help each other,” says Monica.
Even heavy rain could not prevent people from taking advantage of the learning opportunity. And so after a bit of rain, it cleared up again, and people could sit outside in the sunshine with their open book and challenge their prejudices.

An open book with her readers at Pride in Copenhagen. (Photo: Elin Hansen)