CSR Archives - The Human Library Organization https://humanlibrary.org/tag/csr/ Don’t Judge a Book By its Cover Sun, 06 Oct 2019 13:23:36 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 New book depot open in Edinburgh https://humanlibrary.org/new-book-depot-open-in-edinburgh/ Sun, 06 Oct 2019 12:26:20 +0000 https://humanlibrary.org/?p=17336 With support from Heineken UK the Human Library Organisation is building a new book depot in Edinburgh and the first books are now in circulation.

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New book depot open in Edinburgh

With the succesfull launch of the new book collection at Heineken UKs headquarters in Edinburgh on Tuesday October 1st and the public event hosted two days later at Edinburgh Business School, the city joins a growing list of communities across the world, that host a Human Library Book Depot.

A collection of people

The Human Library book depot is a group of volunteers that are available to be published as open books on topics that can help us better understand our diversity. The Human Library is a safe space for conversations, where difficult questions are answered by people with personal experience that volunteered to share their knowledge.

Heineken a diversity partner of the library

One of the new books from Edinburgh in talks with a reader at Edinburgh Business School.

The new book depot, a first for Scotland, has been made possible with support from our Diversity Partner, Heineken UK.

Jane Brydon, HR Director, HEINEKEN UK says of the project: “It’s been fantastic partnering with The Human Library over the last three years. This is really at the forefront of inclusion and diversity and it’s great to be able to help engage more people from the local community and our employees in the programme.

“Our main goal for investing in The Human Library is to support the Scottish community, as well as encouraging our employees to establish a culture of inclusion – Something we believe is key to happiness in life and business. We want to continue to create an inclusive environment that nurtures creativity and innovation, values differences and allows employees to be their whole authentic self at work.”

A community book collection

The book depot was officially launched on October 1st, at Heineken UKs offices in Edinburgh, hosting an event for HR professionals from the Scottish Leaders Forum. The response was overwhelmingly positive and invitations to engage with more local partners are already incoming. The next public event is scheduled for November 21st at Edinburghs Central Library.

Once the bookshelf is stocked with a diversity of topics, it is expected that the book depot will be able to host 12 to 24 Human Library events annually. Human Libraries take place in schools, colleges, universities, libraries, festivals, conferences and at work places.

More details about the next event is available here and you can follow the development in the book depot here. If you are a potential book please consider applying to be published using the online application form available here.

The post New book depot open in Edinburgh appeared first on The Human Library Organization.
